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Showing posts from February, 2021

If there was no restriction over resources and opportunities , what will you do for society and why?

Education is the root to development. I personally believe that it is the solution of all the problems. All the wrong things occur in the society is due to lack of education. If people have knowledge , they can grow individually which together can form an educated and hence a developed nation.  As we know that every country developed through their people, it is the people from whom the country is. So, it is necessary for them to have knowledge about everything. If I get an opportunity with no restrictions over resources then I'll choose to educate the people of the country. In today's world of competition everyone wants to develop. For that it is necessary to give them knowledge about the things going around them.  So , I'll choose to help the people by providing enough facilities so that they can learn , can be independent and can take their own decisions.