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We know that everything that goes up comes down due to gravity . But have you seen Moon crashing into the Earth or Earth crashing into the Sun while revolving ?  Ofcourse not . The answer lies in the fact that they move side ways relative to the Earth's and Sun's surface . To solve this , The Great Scientist "Issac Newton" studied the previous works of Kepler and Galileo and came up with a law for gravitation . The Law states that :- 1) Every particle of matter attracts every other particle of matter . 2) Force of attraction is proportional to the product of masses of the particles which means heavier the bodies more the force of attraction between them . 3) If distance between the particles is doubled , the force decreases by 4 times . Therefore , we get  F ∝M.m/r 2 In order to turn proportionality into equation we have to replace the 'proportionality symbol' with an 'equal to' symbol and that means we have to add a constant wh
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If there was no restriction over resources and opportunities , what will you do for society and why?

Education is the root to development. I personally believe that it is the solution of all the problems. All the wrong things occur in the society is due to lack of education. If people have knowledge , they can grow individually which together can form an educated and hence a developed nation.  As we know that every country developed through their people, it is the people from whom the country is. So, it is necessary for them to have knowledge about everything. If I get an opportunity with no restrictions over resources then I'll choose to educate the people of the country. In today's world of competition everyone wants to develop. For that it is necessary to give them knowledge about the things going around them.  So , I'll choose to help the people by providing enough facilities so that they can learn , can be independent and can take their own decisions.

Inspirational quotes

Some inspirational quotes for students So, here is a series of some inspirational and very helpful quotes for students which help them to continue their studies with full of  motivation and inspiration. I hope you guys get motivate by these wonderful quotes and definitely it will help you whenever you feel give up

cyclic quadrilateral

What is a cyclic quadrilateral? A cyclic quadrilateral is a four-sided polygon whose all vertices lie on the circumference of a circle( i.e. inscribed in a circle). The radius and centre of this circle is circumradius and circumcentre respectively. The word cyclic comes from Ancient greek word ( kuklos) which means "circle" or "wheel". Properties of cyclic quadrilateral- 1. Opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary which means that the sum of their opposite angles is equal to 180°. 2. If one side of a cyclic quadrilateral is produced, then the exterior angle so formed is equal to the opposite interior angle.

Neighbouring countries situated to the south of India

What are the Neighbouring countries situated to the south of India? As you can see in the picture👆👆 Sri Lanka and Maldives are the southern neighbouring countries of India. 1.  Sri Lanka Sri Lanka covers an area of 65,610 square kilometers and has population of 2.17 crores. Capital-  Colombo, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte Currency-  Sri Lankan Rupee Form of government-   Semi-Presidential 2.  Maldives Maldives covers an area of 297.8 square kilometers and 5.16 lakhs of population. Capital-  Male Currency-  Maldivian rufiyaa Form of government-  Presidential Republic 

India's neighbouring countries

Neighbouring countries of India with population and area cover- India has land borders with seven countries and maritime borders with two countries. These are as follows-  Countries with land borders-        1. Pakistan 2. Afghanistan 3. China 4. Nepal 5. Bhutan 6. Bangladesh 7. Myanmar Countries with sea borders- 1. Maldives 2. Sri Lanka We will discuss about area, population, capital, form of government and currency of each neighbouring country. First , we will discuss about countries that share land borders with India. 1. Pakistan Pakistan covers area of 881,913 square kilometers and area wise it is the 33rd largest country in the world. It is one of the populous countries with 212.2 million population. Capital- Islamabad Currency- Pakistani rupee Form of government- Federal Republic 2. Afghanistan Afghanistan shares shortest land border with India in Jammu & Kashmir (POK part). It covers an area of about 652,230 square kilometers and has population of 3.72 crores. C

Is Maldives a neighbouring country of India?

Maldives is an island country which is located in the Indian Ocean. Hence, it has no land connections or shares with India but has sea borders as Sri Lanka has. Therefore, Maldives and Sri Lanka both countries share maritime borders with India

Area And Circumference Of Circle

Basic Terms : Before discussing about formulas for finding area and circumference of circle , we need to study the following terms related to circle . 1. Area of circle  The area enclosed by a circle is known as area of circle. 2. Circumference of circle The perimeter i.e, the total length of the circle is known as it's circumference. 3. Radius A line drawn from centre of the circle to any point on it's circumference is known as it's radius.  In the above diagram, line segment OP drawn from the centre O to a point on circumference P is known as radius and is denoted by 'r'. Similarly, you can draw OQ, OR and OS as the radii of the given circle.  4. Diameter  In the above point we discussed about radius of circle. So, we can say that diameter is equal to double the radius of circle. Diameter is the line joining any two points on the circumference through the centre.  In the above diagram , PQ, RS, DE are the diameters o

Largest and Smallest cell in human body

Smallest Cell The smallest cell is the sperm cell.  The sperm is a male reproductive organ . The head of sperm cell measures about 4mm in length just slightly smaller than a red blood cell. Largest Cell The Ovum is the largest cell in human body. It is the reproductive cell in female body and it measures approximately 0.1 mm in diameter.

What is the largest ,smallest and the longest cell?

Smallest cell The smallest cell is Mycoplasma ( PPLO -  Pleuro pneumonia like organisms). It is about 10 micrometer in size.  Largest Cell The largest cell is the Ostrich's egg (Egg cell of Ostrich)  Ostrich Eggs are 6 inches (15cm) in diameter and can weight up to 1.3 kg. Longest Cell The nerve cell is the longest cell with a length of (90-100)cm.

What are the main function of Xylem and Phloem?

Xylem Tissues Xylem tissues are responsible for transportation of water and minerals from roots to other parts of the plant.  Vascular plants are able to grow higher than other plants due to the rigidity of xylem tissues , which support the plant.  Components of Xylem Xylem vessels , Xylem parenchyma , Xylem fibres and Tracheids are the components of xylem. Phloem Tissues Phloem tissues are responsible for transportation of food prepared by the process of photosynthesis from leaves to other parts of the plant.  Other molecules such as proteins and mRNAs are also transported throughout the plant via phloem.

Wajid Khan is no more

Wajid khan of music composer duo Sajid-Wajid dies at 42 Apart from being a music composer,  he was also a playback singer and reality show judge. Popular for work on Salman Khan's films such as Wanted, Ek That Tiger, Dabangg died on Monday due to corona virus. One more suspect of coronavirus from film industry. He had underlying kidney issues. The composer was hospitalised few days ago due to complications arising from a kidney infection.